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How Does Vitamin D Help Me?

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin, meaning your body cannot make it and you must get it from your diet or your environment. Vitamin D is unique because it can come from your diet or from UV rays in sunlight on your skin.

Why do we need Vitamin D?

Vitamin D plays an essential role in our bone development. In children, a vitamin D deficiency causes weak bones and a deformity known as rickets. In older adults, vitamin D deficiency can worsen bone loss and contributes to loss of bone density, called osteoporosis.

Recently, research has also shown that low levels of vitamin D may affect our immune system and may contribute to low mood and depression. The more we learn about vitamin D, the more evidence we are finding about how essential it is for a healthy body and mind.

How do I know if I have low vitamin D?

A simple blood test can tell you if you are low in vitamin D. The national guidelines recommend you have a level over 30 mg/dL, and if you are below this number you would likely benefit from vitamin D supplementation. We can order this test for you to be done for $49.

I want to take a supplement. What kind of supplement and how much should I take?

The CDC recommends adults should take Vitamin D3 in 800IU – 1000IU per day. Once you start taking supplements, you can recheck your Vitamin D level in 3-6 months to be sure your level is in the normal range.



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